Class NodeAbstract

The superclass of all RDF Statement objects, that is NamedNode, Literal, BlankNode, etc. Should not be instantiated directly. Also called Term.

Hierarchy (view full)



classOrder: number

The class order for this node

termType: TermType

The type of node

value: string

The node's value

fromValue: (<T>(value) => T)

Type declaration

    • <T>(value): T
    • Type Parameters

      • T extends FromValueReturns


      • value: ValueType

      Returns T

toJS: ((term) => string | boolean | object | Number | Date | (string | boolean | object | Number | Date)[])

Type declaration

    • (term): string | boolean | object | Number | Date | (string | boolean | object | Number | Date)[]
    • Parameters

      • term: any

      Returns string | boolean | object | Number | Date | (string | boolean | object | Number | Date)[]


  • Compares this node with another


    • other: Node

      The other node

    Returns number


    to check if two nodes are equal

  • Compares whether the two nodes are equal


    • other: Term

      The other node

    Returns boolean

  • Creates a hash for this node

    Returns string


    use {} instead if possible

  • Compares whether this node is the same as the other one


    • other: Node

      Another node

    Returns boolean

  • Creates the substituted node for this one, according to the specified bindings

    Type Parameters


    • bindings: Bindings

      Bindings of identifiers to nodes

    Returns T

  • Creates a canonical string representation of this node

    Returns string

  • Creates a n-triples string representation of this node

    Returns string