Redirections we got from HTTP
_universalReverse mapping to redirection: aliases for this
Map of iri predicates to functions to call when adding { s type X }
The class order for this node
initial array of constraints
The accompanying fetcher instance.
Is set by the fetcher when initialized.
initial bindings used in Query
Dictionary of namespace prefixes
A namespace for the specified namespace's URI
The URI for the namespace
factory: RdfJsDataFactoryArray of statements with this X as object
Array of statements with this X as predicate
Map of iri predicates to functions to call when getting statement with {s X o}
The factory used to generate statements and terms
Redirect to lexically smaller equivalent symbol
Initial array of statements
Array of statements with this X as subject
The type of node
An UpdateManager initialised to this store
The node's value
Array of statements with X as provenance
toJSReturns the number of statements contained in this IndexedFormula. (Getter proxy to this.statements). Usage:
var kb = rdf.graph()
kb.length // -> 0
defaultGets the URI of the default graph
Adds a triple (quad) to the store.
The thing about which the fact a relationship is asserted. Also accepts a statement or an array of Statements.
pred: Quad_PredicateThe relationship which is asserted
obj: string | TermThe object of the relationship, e.g. another thing or a value. If passed a string, this will become a literal.
why: Quad_GraphThe document in which the triple (S,P,O) was or will be stored on the web
The statement added to the store, or the store
Follow link from one node, using one wildcard, looking for one
For example, any(me, knows, null, profile) - a person I know accoring to my profile . any(me, knows, null, null) - a person I know accoring to anything in store . any(null, knows, me, null) - a person who know me accoring to anything in store .
s: null | Quad_SubjectA node to search for as subject, or if null, a wildcard
p: null | Quad_PredicateA node to search for as predicate, or if null, a wildcard
o: null | Quad_ObjectA node to search for as object, or if null, a wildcard
g: null | Quad_GraphA node to search for as graph, or if null, a wildcard
A node which match the wildcard position, or null
Gets the first JavaScript object equivalent to a node based on the specified pattern
s: null | Quad_SubjectThe subject
p: null | Quad_PredicateThe predicate
o: null | Quad_ObjectThe object
g: null | Quad_GraphThe graph that contains the statement
Gets the first statement that matches the specified pattern
s: null | Quad_SubjectOptional
p: null | Quad_PredicateOptional
o: null | Quad_ObjectOptional
g: null | Quad_GraphGets the value of a node that matches the specified pattern
s: null | Quad_SubjectThe subject
p: null | Quad_PredicateThe predicate
o: null | Quad_ObjectThe object
g: null | Quad_GraphThe graph that contains the statement
Apply a set of statements to be deleted and to be inserted
The set of statements to be deleted and to be inserted
The name of the document to patch
Callback to be called when patching is complete
errorString: stringChecks a list of statements for consistency
The list of statements to check
from: numberAn index with the array ['subject', 'predicate', 'object', 'why']
Creates a new collection
Compares this node with another
The other node
to check if two nodes are equal
Trace statements which connect directly, or through bnodes
The node to start looking for statments
The document to be searched, or null to search all documents
excludePredicateURIs: readonly string[]an array of statements, duplicate statements are suppresssed.
node to copy
node to copy to
flags: ("delete" | "two-direction")[]Whether or not to do a two-directional copy and/or delete triples
and add appropriate triples removes no triples by default and is a one-direction replication
Follow links from one node, using one wildcard.
For example, each(me, knows, null, profile) - people I know accoring to my profile . each(me, knows, null, null) - people I know accoring to anything in store . each(null, knows, me, null) - people who know me accoring to anything in store .
s: null | Quad_SubjectA node to search for as subject, or if null, a wildcard
p: null | Quad_PredicateA node to search for as predicate, or if null, a wildcard
o: null | Quad_ObjectA node to search for as object, or if null, a wildcard
g: null | Quad_GraphA node to search for as graph, or if null, a wildcard
Test whether this formula is equals to {other}
The other formula
For thisClass or any subclass, anything which has it is its type or is the object of something which has the type as its range, or subject of something which has the type as its domain We don't bother doing subproperty (yet?)as it doesn't seeem to be used much. Get all the Classes of which we can RDFS-infer the subject is a member
A named node
For thisClass or any subclass, anything which has it is its type or is the object of something which has the type as its range, or subject of something which has the type as its domain We don't bother doing subproperty (yet?)as it doesn't seeem to be used much. Get all the Classes of which we can RDFS-infer the subject is a member
a hash of URIs
Get all the Classes of which we can RDFS-infer the subject is a superclass Returns a hash table where key is NT of type and value is statement why we think so. Does NOT return terms, returns URI strings. We use NT representations in this version because they handle blank nodes.
Get all the Classes of which we can RDFS-infer the subject is a subclass
The thing whose classes are to be found
a hash table where key is NT of type and value is statement why we think so. Does NOT return terms, returns URI strings. We use NT representations in this version because they handle blank nodes.
Get all the Classes of which we can RDFS-infer the subject is a member todo: This will loop is there is a class subclass loop (Sublass loops are not illegal) Returns a hash table where key is NT of type and value is statement why we think so. Does NOT return terms, returns URI strings. We use NT representations in this version because they handle blank nodes.
A subject node
Get all the Classes of which we can RDFS-infer the subject is a member todo: This will loop is there is a class subclass loop (Sublass loops are not illegal)
The thing whose classes are to be found
a hash table where key is NT of type and value is statement why we think so. Does NOT return terms, returns URI strings. We use NT representations in this version because they handle blank nodes.
Transforms an NTriples string format into a Node. The blank node bit should not be used on program-external values; designed for internal work such as storing a blank node id in an HTML attribute. This will only parse the strings generated by the various toNT() methods.
Returns any quads matching the given arguments.
Standard RDFJS spec method for Source objects, implemented as an
alias to statementsMatching()
subject: null | Quad_SubjectThe subject
predicate: null | Quad_PredicateThe predicate
object: null | Quad_ObjectThe object
graph: null | Quad_GraphThe graph that contains the statement
Adds a new property action
the predicate that the function should be triggered on
the function that should trigger
Query this store asynchronously, return bindings in callback
The query to be run
Function to call when bindings
fetcher: null | FetcherOptional
onDone: (() => void)OBSOLETE - do not use this // @@ Why not ?? Called when query complete
Query this store synchronously and return bindings
The query to be run
Remove all statements matching args (within limit) *
subj: null | Quad_SubjectThe subject
pred: null | Quad_PredicateThe predicate
obj: null | Quad_ObjectThe object
why: null | Quad_GraphThe graph that contains the statement
limit: numberThe number of statements to remove
Remove all matching statements
subject: null | Quad_SubjectThe subject
predicate: null | Quad_PredicateThe predicate
object: null | Quad_ObjectThe object
graph: null | Quad_GraphThe graph that contains the statement
Remove a particular statement object from the store
a statement which is already in the store and indexed. Make sure you only use this for these. Otherwise, you should use remove() above.
Compares whether this node is the same as the other one
Another node
Serializes this formula
The base string
The content type of the syntax to use
The provenance URI
options: anyoptions to pass to the serializer, as defined in serialize method
Search the Store
subj: null | Quad_SubjectA node to search for as subject, or if null, a wildcard
pred: null | Quad_PredicateA node to search for as predicate, or if null, a wildcard
obj: null | Quad_ObjectA node to search for as object, or if null, a wildcard
why: null | Quad_GraphA node to search for as graph, or if null, a wildcard
justOne: booleanflag - stop when found one rather than get all of them?
An array of nodes which match the wildcard position
Gets the node matching the specified pattern. Throws when no match could be made.
s: null | Quad_SubjectThe subject
p: null | Quad_PredicateThe predicate
o: null | Quad_ObjectThe object
g: null | Quad_GraphThe graph that contains the statement
RDFS Inference These are hand-written implementations of a backward-chaining reasoner over the RDFS axioms.
A hash of NTs of classes to start with
The property to trace though
inverse: booleanTrace inverse direction
Gets the number of statements in this formula that matches the specified pattern
s: null | Quad_SubjectThe subject
p: null | Quad_PredicateThe predicate
o: null | Quad_ObjectThe object
g: null | Quad_GraphThe graph that contains the statement
Indexed Formula aka Store