Interface AutoInitOptions

Initiated by initFetchOptions, which runs on load

interface AutoInitOptions {
    actualProxyURI?: string;
    baseURI: string;
    body?: string;
    cache?: RequestCache;
    clearPreviousData?: boolean;
    contentType?: string;
    credentials?: "include" | "omit";
    data?: string;
    fetch?: Fetch;
    force?: boolean;
    forceContentType?: ContentType;
    handlers?: Handler[];
    headers: HeadersInit;
    integrity?: string;
    keepalive?: boolean;
    method?: HTTPMethods;
    mode?: RequestMode;
    noMeta?: boolean;
    noRDFa?: boolean;
    original: NamedNode;
    proxyUsed?: boolean;
    redirect?: RequestRedirect;
    referrer?: string;
    referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy;
    referringTerm?: NamedNode;
    req: BlankNode;
    requestedURI?: string;
    resource: Quad_Subject;
    retriedWithNoCredentials?: boolean;
    signal?: null | AbortSignal;
    timeout?: number;
    window?: null;
    withCredentials?: boolean;


  • RequestInit
    • AutoInitOptions


actualProxyURI?: string
baseURI: string

Original uri to preserve through proxying etc (xhr.original).

body?: string
cache?: RequestCache

A string indicating how the request will interact with the browser's cache to set request's cache.

clearPreviousData?: boolean

Before we parse new data, clear old, but only on status 200 responses

contentType?: string

Provided content type (for writes)

credentials?: "include" | "omit"
data?: string
fetch?: Fetch

The used Fetch function

force?: boolean

Load the data even if loaded before. Also sets the Cache-Control: header to no-cache

forceContentType?: ContentType

Override the incoming header to force the data to be treated as this content-type (for reads)

handlers?: Handler[]
headers: HeadersInit
integrity?: string

A cryptographic hash of the resource to be fetched by request. Sets request's integrity.

keepalive?: boolean

A boolean to set request's keepalive.

method?: HTTPMethods
mode?: RequestMode

A string to indicate whether the request will use CORS, or will be restricted to same-origin URLs. Sets request's mode.

noMeta?: boolean

Prevents the addition of various metadata triples (about the fetch request) to the store

noRDFa?: boolean
original: NamedNode

The serialized resource in the body

proxyUsed?: boolean

Whether this request is a retry via a proxy (generally done from an error handler)

redirect?: RequestRedirect

A string indicating whether request follows redirects, results in an error upon encountering a redirect, or returns the redirect (in an opaque fashion). Sets request's redirect.

referrer?: string

A string whose value is a same-origin URL, "about:client", or the empty string, to set request's referrer.

referrerPolicy?: ReferrerPolicy

A referrer policy to set request's referrerPolicy.

referringTerm?: NamedNode

Referring term, the resource which referred to this (for tracking bad links). The document in which this link was found.

req: BlankNode
requestedURI?: string
resource: Quad_Subject
retriedWithNoCredentials?: boolean
signal?: null | AbortSignal

An AbortSignal to set request's signal.

timeout?: number
window?: null

Can only be null. Used to disassociate request from any Window.

withCredentials?: boolean

flag for XHR/CORS etc